

Here I will be adding poetry of mine. If you'd like to submit your poems to me send them here:

Currently Playing: Sirene by Tristania

-The Fortress of Remorse-
Written by Monse L

Beseech thou!
The triumphing lust breaks the hearts of many;
And distorts the innocence of beauty
Deifying the woe that persists on us all
And the cargo of joy that brings in the whole of our silence
Too deafening for our lives; to kindred our souls
Does thou not remember that innocence that borne this misanthropy?
Falling into the traps that mankind set for us all;
Into the dusk the witness hides its emotions so trivial
Ah, but darling does thou not understand the equality that bound our lives to remorse?
Into mania, is that our reward?!
I’ve many a times profoundly discoursed my events…
To descend within as an angel with broken wings
To decipher the epitaph of my long lost oath
The oath that may redeem the lost souls
Thus the innocent hurts the challenge
Did thou not perceive my warning of contrition?
Where everything insight is viewed with callous eyes?
Protecting the lies that are hidden beneath the earth
To forget our past…
But its there, it will remind us.
The bliss darling, is not paradise yet.
Tribulation descends on us all,
Hast thou not forgotten the suffering in our realm?
The hunger, the war?
Injustice for our souls!
A fortress of remorse…

-The Eyes View-
Written By Monse L.

The sun sets and the world sleeps
With the charm of daylight still at their minds
They dream of new horizons
The beauty that eats it, hungers for more
And the people who dream it, lust for more
There is no pride nor solace that can’t be vanquished.
No time to prepare for the late summer feast
No dawn to circumference the Night with its liquid Moonlight
As the dearest of Eve sets for the winter night
This solace will accomplish none at any time
Those dearest to them fall at their feet
With the abyss of darkness at their lives
What do we see but the shepherds of lies?
If only we understood the torment of mankind
What else would we all be?
Of lies and scorn, of hatred and love
What else do we see with our callous eyes?
It doesn’t take one lifetime to understand our nature
It takes our minds and hearts to understand it.
It takes our souls to free it, and a life to accomplish it.
Perhaps their will be given a chance to fathom this idea
An idea so lucent that the suns light is not even a match for it.
If our eyes are insatiable then may it not be of selfish needs,
That we lie with our words to protect our thoughts.
Nothing so sweet then honey on ice.
Let us free our soul, mind, and heart.
For that is how we see the distant radiance of ethereal light.

"The Unforgettable"

Written by Monse L.

Darling hast thou forgotten me?
O’er the diamond in the sky with its crescent luminous light?
Didst thee not perceive my waning hunger and retrieve;
Frolicking like Venus in the shores of the bleeding Sea?
May I concede the jasmines perfume;
Hungering for lewdest of thines lips?
And the freeing longtitude of regrets and guilt seeing all with its Elysian eyes!?
Perhaps I can’t not see the sacred beauty in this world divine;
Only shadows will tame thines heart with blessed abyss?
Or shalt the rose wilt in front of mine eyes?
Hast the darkness retrieved and brought forth the golden dawn?
Without our pity does it seek that ones lusting heart?
May it not retreat the gulf of lying wills to attempt the score of Devils
Whilst we see with our callous eyes the dawn lies before hand;
Yet my love is death and no longer with held by life?
Ah, my heart is no longer in love with the dark!
I helt on to this paradisal morning and night;
Though it will wither and die away I’ll remember with mine soul!
That fear won’t pass on to mine thoughts,
Though shivers it goes and travels it will;
It shalt not come back!
Dearest my I say that darkness is not retreat but arising hate and love!?
Ah, thou hast not forgotten me!
Live with me Eternally!
Lovers in shores and Patrons in sanctuaries!
Our souls shalt be redeemed, will it not my lost consort!?
Though the bloodiest of war is always of belief and greed wilth it not affect the love and hate they have?
I say come back to me, my boldest one!
Those hideous beasts will never last for the Eden that lies for us ahead!
The damnedest leaf is all but redeemed in its last root,
And yon the horizon there is a lost City of Gold, gleaming with its radiant gold buildings and precious jewels of Old;
Perhaps thou shalt want to come with me?
Oh dearest, I cannot bear the solace if not without life beside me!
I am all but one and whole, am I not also flesh and blood?
Fear for me not my audacious one;
Reason always comes to me,
If not the lingering light!
It is not wonder that saves your humanity, my fearless one!
That this realm is ephemeral is as nescient as the blasphemer!
Question no longer as the sun shalt set and bring forth our pearly Diana with her rippling golden hair,
And as the twilight comes her children awake, they glow like diamonds in the abyss of a sea,
Only fading as new ones are born,
Let us hear the sloshing waters of the Ocean upon the grievous shores;
The white foam as the wave dies,
Reflects the moonlight-
It’s fathoming wrath crushing with waves of detest!
Is it not esthetic to rave of the beauty it makes?
Mesmerizing everything in sight despite of its loud yet quiet composure;
Ah, is it not freedom to ride on the ravenous waves!
Dearest come along and thou shalt see what I see!
Such innocent yet gilded serenity!
A necessity by all means;
Come dearest in it we shall also ride the cool white winds!
In a company free of doubt and woe;
Thou hast not forgotten me!